action movie

[ˈækʃən ˈmu:vi]
  • 释义
  • 动作片;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Richard: What if I said that this action movie will make you chuckle?

    理查德: 如果我说的这部动作片会使你咯咯笑那会 怎么样 ?

  • 2、

    Short brown hair. He's very handsome looking, kind of like me. It's an action movie.

    褐色的短发. 他长得很英俊, 和我有的一拼. 这是一部动作片.

  • 3、

    Let's go and watch an action movie!


  • 4、

    David: We could go see that new action movie.

    大卫: 我们可以去看那部新上映的动作片.

  • 5、

    Watch a Chick Flick [ for girls ]. Watch an action movie [ for guys ].

    看一场娘儿们片 [ 给姑娘们看的 ]. 看一场动作片 [ 给小伙子们看的 ].

  • 6、

    Richard: I really want to see an action movie.

    理查德: 我很想去看一部动作片.

  • 7、

    Consider these factors: a 1.5 million action movie that was to be a poignant, tragic romance.

    想一想以下这些因素: 这是一部耗资150万美元的武打大片, 却定位于拍成一部深刻而带有悲伤色彩的浪漫剧.

  • 8、

    Q . Are you eventually looking for a role in an action movie?

    最终你会在动作片里找个角色 么 ?

  • 9、

    That's the worst action movie I have ever seen.


  • 10、

    She likes opera the story interesting, and the Chinese action movie the history of China.

    她喜欢京剧,趣味故事, 中国动作片和中国历史.

  • 11、

    Who interesting film do have? Best action movie. movie.

    有哪些好看的电影? 最好动作片. 警匪片.

  • 12、

    What type of movies you like? I like Action movie and comedy.

    你喜欢哪一种电影? 我喜欢动作片和喜剧.

  • 13、

    I just finished Big Soldier, Small General, which is an action movie.

    我刚刚完成《大战士, 小将军》, 这是一个动作片.

  • 14、

    De Bont gave Sandra the female lead in the upcoming action movie Speed alongside Keanu Reeves.


  • 15、

    My dream is to star in an action movie.


  • 16、

    You know , I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena.


  • 17、

    The boy also likes action movie, because he thinks that it's exciting.

    那还喜欢看动作片, 觉得动作片很振奋人心.

  • 18、

    Do you an action movie? You're a great actress! FilAms admire you so!

    你会演动作片 吗 ?你是个很棒的演员, 美裔菲律宾人都很崇拜你!

  • 19、

    John Woo from Hong Kong is an excellent action movie director.


  • 20、

    I ( don't ) ( want ) to see an action movie.


  • 21、

    I want to see an action movie on Saturday.


  • 22、

    If I have free time, I want to see an action movie.


  • 23、

    Absorbed the action movie, he forgot all about the cooking for the family.

    他全神贯注地看着动作, 把为家人烧饭的事忘得一干二净.

  • 24、

    She wants to see an action movie.


  • 25、

    I don't know . It's an action movie , so I bet you won't like it very much.

    谁说的,其实我也很喜欢动作片啊, 当然除了那些烂片子.

  • 26、

    Our life, likely is meets a large explosion, is more splendid than any Hollywood action movie.

    我们的生活, 就像是一场接一场的大爆炸, 比任何好莱坞动作片都精彩.

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